Name: (2) Complete and Operating Mobile Concrete and Asphalt Crushing Plants (Plant #1 & Plant #2)
Date: Accepting Sealed Bid Offers through Friday February 14, 2020.
Address: Confidential
Description:A Michigan Company has decided to restructure and downsize, resulting in (2) complete and operating mobile Concrete and Asphalt Crushing packages being available for immediate purchase via sealed bid. Miedema Asset Management Group is excited to announce the sale of these fully functioning and operating plants, being offered as complete operating plants or individual components. This is late model, well maintained, and operating equipment.
For a complete detailed list of equipment available for sealed bid, and for more information, please click the link below and submit the NDA.
Sealed bids will be accepted through Friday February 14, 2020. For questions or for more information, please call Brennen Lubbers at 616-265-6842 or email at